Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Announcements for the Week of March 14

By Sunday, March 13, 2022



Andrew Saneholtz
419 494 6791

March Food Drive

We will be having a food drive on March 26th from 9-12:00pm to support local food pantries. Below is the sign-up sheet for the event. Please note, the captain is in charge of managing that specific location during the event and food delivery to the food pantries. Please email Andrew Saneholtz (apsaneholtz@yahoo.com) if you are interested in volunteering. People outside our club can sign-up. Please let Andrew know what location you want to be at.

Thank you to those that have signed up!

Project: Food Drive Service Project

As a club, we will embark on a social distance project to collect items for the Worthington Resource Pantry and the Dublin Food Pantry.

Food Drive:
Date is March 26th
Times are 9-12:00pm

Locations in need of Volunteers:
Oakland Nursery (161)
Kroger Fresh Fare (161)
Hills Market (315) volunteers:


Teresa Russell
(614) 578-9090

2022 Service Project Competition

63 Money donations and 5 that will be made.
Total of 68 blankets that will be donated for the My Very Own Blanket Project.
Thank you very much for all who participated!!!


Christie Bruffy

Save the Date

Spring 2022 RAH RAH

Christie Bruffy was able to secure time at the Zaftig Taphouse for us to hang out and socialize.  There will be a food truck on premises for some yummy treats.  According to Zaftig's Website, If You Cheese Food Truck will be on premises on March 30th. 
When:  March 30, 2022 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Where:  Zaftig Tap Room,  7020 Huntley Rd A, Worthington, OH 43229
RSVP by March 25:  CLICK ON THIS LINK  or Contact:  Katie McCartney at katie@katiemccartney.com or 614-918-9942

Participants:  19

Nick Linkenhoker

Slate Hill Elementary Partnership Volunteers Needed

The Slate Hill Elementary partnership is beginning to recruit volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering in the school classrooms at Slate Hill, you can reach out to nick@worthingtonresourcepantry.org to get signed up.
We will be kicking off with an activity that all club members can do - writing notes of encouragement to students for their testing!  Starting next week, we will have note cards available for club members to write a quick note to a few students to get them pumped up for their tests.

Peggy Murgatroyd

Kick Cancer's Butt

All throughout the month of March, Peggy will be looking for donations for the Kick Cancer's Butt Initiative.  Please contact Peggy on how to donate.

Roe Mauro

Youth Peace & Leadership Symposium

April 8, 2022

The Rotary Club of Dublin Worthington is looking to sponsor up to 5 interested high school students at this event.
Students in 9- 12th grade are eligible to attend.

I wanted to be sure to send you the following attachments as I've received some questions regarding the curriculum. 
Please share this with other faculty, counselors, school admins and school newsletter.
Don't forget to share with your students and their parents! 

We have a great event planned for the youth and hope to sponsor Worthington students on April 8th at Cherry Valley Lodge.
Please return all completed applications to me for processing and payment.
We are excited to offer this opportunity to Dublin or Worthington students.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your help in getting the word out regarding the Youth Peace & Leadership Symposium to be held on Friday 
April 8th. 


Larry Arnold
Assistant Governor

Paul Harris Society Members

Larry Arnold and MJ Shackelford Stopped by March 9th's meeting to honor:
Mark Beaver
Connie Hendren
Dave Kittredge
Steve Payerle
Darnell Perkins
Alan Woo

Mary Jane Shackelford
District Governor


April 8-9, 2022
Cherry Valley Hotel

Combined District Assembly and Conference

“Tell Your Rotary Story”


Steve Payerle

2022-2023 Leadership Team

The team has decided to keep the same players in the same roles for the 2022-2023 year.

Steve Payerle - President
Teresa Russell - President Elect
James Farmer - President Nominee
Dave Hansen - Secretary
Jerry Katz - Treasurer

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