Dublin-Worthington News Stories
Membership Spotlight: Tom Rice
By Paul J. CynkarSunday, February 13, 2022
Advancing the Leadership Mindset
Finding Success in the Success of Others
Paul Cynkar, January 2022
This is another in a series of member profiles based on discovery interview questions that were designed to get an up-close view of the traits and strengths of the members who provide leadership to this organization.
Membership Spotlight: Tom Rice
Purposeful, Passionate, Pastor
Finding Success in the Success of Others
Paul Cynkar, January 2022
This is another in a series of member profiles based on discovery interview questions that were designed to get an up-close view of the traits and strengths of the members who provide leadership to this organization.
Membership Spotlight: Tom Rice
Purposeful, Passionate, Pastor

I am married to Betsy, who is also a Presbyterian minister. We met while in seminary. We have two sons, the oldest graduated from Purdue and is a mechanical engineer. The youngest, a WKHS graduate, is a sophomore at Davidson College majoring in math. I am a pastor at Worthington Presbyterian Church responsible for mission and outreach. Betsy is also at Worthington Presbyterian Church and is responsible for membership care. I enjoy the outdoors and sports connected with the outdoors, especially hiking. Some of the places I have hiked include the Appalachian Trail, the Grand Canyon, Denali National Park (in Alaska) and Rocky Mountain National Park.
How long have you belonged to Rotary? What’s the best thing about membership?
I have been in Rotary for ten years going back to my time in Michigan. I particularly enjoy the friendship, purpose and the opportunity to build relationships to make a difference for others. I feel there is a natural connection between Rotary and my work as a pastor. Both provide the potential for lifelong learning, the opportunity to identify the needs of others and the chance to address those needs together.
As you look back on your life and your career, where and when did you have the biggest impact on others? Who was impacted and how?
The impact has come through the youth and adult mission trips I have been involved in or organized. Some of these include trips to Cuba, Haiti, Honduras, New Mexico and West Virginia. These trips are transformational for those going on the trips as well as for those who are being helped. Participants often indicate they themselves are seeking purpose and direction and find they get more than they give.
As you look back, which of the opportunities you’ve had has been the most fulfilling to you personally? Why?
Just before the onset of COVID, I participated in a wall building project with Habitat for Humanity. We built the frame walls on Worthington’s Village Green. These walls were transported to a house site in the Linden area. The project involved members of our congregation, the community and the family who would live in the house. Their involvement ensured that this was a “hand-up rather than a handout.” We are planning to do this again on April 30, 2022.
Describe the most challenging project you’ve ever worked on. What was your role? What was the result?
This was a mission trip to Haiti right after a devastating earthquake. Our group was responsible for bringing dental care. Haiti was a very unstable place and there were concerns about our personal health and safety. One member of our group fell extremely ill. We all learned the importance of sharing our skills and learning with the locals.
What are some things you are passionate about? What really excites you? What gets your adrenalin flowing? What makes your heart sing?
I’d say it is teaching. Mission trips are active teaching and learning opportunities. I like to see the light bulbs go on as others learn. This holds especially true as others begin to see the Bible as relevant, enjoyable and life-giving.
What are you especially skilled at? What is something that others often tell you that they think makes you stand out?
I have the ability to care for people in very challenging situations. I am able to help them feel loved and supported and to help them see that they will get through their crisis. I also serve as a chaplain for Worthington’s First Responders. I am often called upon by local fire and police officials to provide support to those impacted by tragedy or difficult times.
When you have a moment to sit back and think (dream) about your future, what do you think about?
Worthington Presbyterian Church has been at the forefront of two major outreach opportunities to help others in our community. The first was the Preschool program serving children from ages 3 to 5. The second was Stafford Village, housing seniors aged 62 and above. I would like to organize the resources, time and talent for another local mission project to address other current needs on the scale and with the impact of those two projects.
I am currently co-writing a book which we hope to finish soon. The book is entitled Festschrift. It is a celebration of writing honoring “a pastor for pastors” in the Soviet Union. It is a collection of writings that is biographical and builds on themes from his life and work.
If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be? Why?
I enjoy learning about Abraham Lincoln. I am inspired by his courage, compassion, wisdom and sense of humor.