Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Announcements for the Week of December 20

By Sunday, December 19, 2021



Wolf Lant

Rotary International Convention

When:  June 4-8, 2022
Where:  Houston, TX
Convention Info Here


Dick Ollila
Jim Miller

Poinsettia Sale Photos

Click HERE to view


Jennifer Best
614 565 9715

125 Club

Donate $100 to The Rotary International Foundation’s Annual Fund and $25 to The Rotary International's Polio Plus.

Contact Jennifer Best, jbest@columbus.rr.com or 614 565 9715, to put on your bill.

Katie McCartney

Holiday Party

When:  December 29, 2021, 6 PM
Where:  Mezzo In Dublin, 12 W Bridge St, Dublin, OH 43017
Cost:  $35 per person
RSVP HERE or contact Katie at katie@katiemccartney.com, 614-918-9942

There will be a prefix menu to choose your dinner entree.  You will also receive 2 drink tickets per guest for an alcoholic beverage of your choice from a preset alcohol menu.   Mezzo will be happy to accommodate your special dietary needs upon request at the time of the meal.

RSVP Yes List:

  • Rachel Dorothy & Guest
  • Katie & Sean McCartney
  • Shirley Lambert
  • Jerri & Merci Katz
  • Christie & Jon Bruffy
  • John Bader
  • Dick & Nancy Ollila
  • Peggy & Glen Murgatroyd
  • Steve Payerle & Rebecca Copley
  • Teresa Russell
  • David King
  • Jim Farmer
  • John & Marty Jacob
  • Alan & Louise Zink
  • Jim & Ursula Allen
  • Jennifer & Bill Best & Trevor Donaldson
  • Joe & Sara Patchen
  • Sue Coady & George Norris
  • Mike & Paula Moulton
  • David, Aida & Vanessa Hansen
  • Mary Greenlee
  • Tim Shear
  • Ratna & Guest
  • Dave Brown & Guest

Jim Farmer

Super-Bowling Sunday

On February 5, 2022, from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm, the Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club will be holding its second Super-Bowling SaturdayTM fundraiser at the Bowling Palace in the Columbus Square Shopping Center located at the intersection of Cleveland Ave. and 161.  The event’s sponsors, including Cam Taylor Realtors, Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Services, and LCNB National Bank, have underwritten all costs, so one-hundred percent of proceeds from participating bowlers will be utilized to fund scholarships awarded annually by the Club to local college students & to vocational students in the Dominican Republic.
All bowlers will be treated to a free lunch buffet and free shoes.  Competitive bowlers ($49 ticket) will compete in teams of four over three games for individual/team cash prizes totaling at least $1,000, plus 25% of aggregate Competitive Bowler ticket sales in excess of 20, while social bowlers ($39 ticket) will compete similarly for prizes of nominal value.  Youth bowlers under twelve ($29 ticket) will be treated to a magic show, $5 of tickets to the Bowling Palace’s Game Room, and the opportunity to bowl one game on a supervised bumper lane.       

So shake the pre-Super Bowl blues, treat your entire family to a fun afternoon, and contribute to a very worthy cause.  To register on-line for this event, or to get instructions on how to register by mail, go to Eventbrite.com and enter “Super-Bowling Saturday.”



Cards & Cookies

21+ Students, 160 Cookies & 43 Cards were made at the event 
See Photos Here


Arts for Little Hearts

When:  January 13, 20, and/or 27, 2022
Where:  Worthington Kilbourne High School
What:  Craft making for Hospilized Children.  http://www.artsforlittlehearts.com/  You can attend one or all of the dates or drop off your crafts for the kids.

Contact Roe Mauro (roe_mauro@yahoo.com, 614-579-6168) or Katie McCartney (katie@katiemccartney.com, 614-918-9942) about the events if you want to particpiate.

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