Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Membership Spotlight: Phil Giessler

By Sunday, November 21, 2021
Advancing the Leadership Mindset
Finding Success in the Success of Others
Paul Cynkar, February, 2021

This is another in a series of member profiles based on discovery interviews that were designed to help me fulfill the requirements of the Dublin Worthington Rotary Red Badge Program for new Rotarians and get an up close view of the traits and strengths of some of the members who provide leadership to this organization.

Membership Spotlight:  Phil Giessler
Family, the Well-Being of Others and a Cohesiveness Community
  1. Tell us about yourself.  Give us three facts that include information about your family, your career, and your pastimes. 
I was fortunate to marry Carol in 1968.  We have two children who both still live near us in Worthington.  We also have four grandchildren.  I graduated from The Ohio State University in 1968 and became a realtor in 1968.  Many people don’t know that I also spent two years as a junior high school teacher. Frankly, I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy many aspects of life

  1. How long have you belonged to Rotary?  What’s the best thing about membership?
1989 I was recruited by Roger Johnson.  Since then I have been trying to live the 4 Way Test.  In particular, I appreciate the camaraderie, the diversity of the membership and the enriching programs.
  1. As you look back on your life and your career, where and when did you have the biggest impact on others?  Who was impacted and how?
Hopefully with my immediate family.  But also, the real estate profession and the Worthington community. Community cohesiveness has been very important to me. I hope I have influenced people, institutions and traditions through my participation and support.
  1. As you look back, which of the opportunities you have/had has been the most fulfilling to you personally?  Why?
There have been many opportunities.  I have gained personal fulfillment through my family, my church, this community, our schools, my professional work and by building relationships. My parents, siblings and others taught me that these were, and are, my most important responsibilities and possibilities.
  1. Describe the most challenging project you have ever worked on.  What was your role?  What was the result?
My family role, as second in command to Carol, has provided its share of challenges.   Happily things have turned out very well!  Other challenges have included participation in school tax support levy and bond issues, participating in, and supporting, Partners for Citizenship and Character and Leadership Worthington, I like to believe these challenges have also resulted in something positive for individuals and the community.
  1. What are some things you are passionate about?  What really excites you? What gets your adrenalin flowing?  What makes your heart sing?

    Of course, my family!  Grandchildren are a gift! I love early mornings even though I am sometimes sluggish. With every new day there is opportunity and possibility.  I also get excited when I see people helping others make good things happen.  
  1. What are you especially skilled at?  What is something that others often tell you that they think makes you stand out? 

I am 5’6” so it’s a challenge to stand out too much.  Communication and relationships with others has always been a strength. 

  1. When you have a moment to sit back and think (dream) about your future, what do you think about?
Opportunities with my family and the sincere hope that humanitarianism will improve.  Currently my professional focus has been working with families to find affordable and appropriate living space.  As we age, the need for right-sized, safe, livable and appropriate housing increases.  There should be more homes like this available in Worthington.  
  1. If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be? Why?     
It would definitely be Carol.  How else would get my “to do” list for the future?


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