Andrew Saneholtz is on multiple committee and would like to note the following:
Abhors Day, a project which he recently took over, will happen in the Spring. He doesn't need help now but look for opportunites later.
He also recently took over the Pantry Food Drive. The next drive is scheduled for October, so I will be asking for help soon. There is a group of people that have been part of the committee, but am willing to bring on others. I will also ask for volunteers for the day of the food drive.
Greeter - Helps with set-up and tear down before and after meetings. This consists of setting up the banners, bringing out the badge cases, and bringing out the black bag that holds multiple items used during a meeting. Also, the greeter is responsible with greeting people as they arrive. The greeter should arrive 30 minutes before the meeting and 15 minutes after the meeting.
I am in need of more people for this group.
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