Roe Mauro talked about the RYLA Committee:
Rotary District 6690’s annual RYLA conference, held in July is based on a program initiated by Rotary International. The purpose of the program is to identify young people who have demonstrated leadership skills or show the potential to be leaders, and give them an opportunity to explore and develop those skills with others with similar capabilities. Students from central and southeastern Ohio gather for two and a half days learning about themselves, learning from others and having fun.
The DWRC has agreed to select students to attend RYLA from both Worthington Kilbourne HS and Dublin Scioto HS. Rising seniors (current juniors) and rising juniors (current sophomores) are eligible to participate in RYLA.
(The Dublin AM selects students from Dublin Jerome HS & Dublin Coffman HS. The Worthington AM Rotary Club selects students from Thomas Worthington HS)
It is the responsibility of the DWRC RYLA committee to contact our two High Schools to share information (starting in Jan/Feb) about District 6690's RYLA event with the staff & students as a way to recruit applications. In addition, this committee is responsible to then select our Club's RYLA participant(s) from the applications received (along with alternates) and to share this information with the District RYLA committee by May 1st. Once the student participants have been chosen by DWRC it is the responsibility of this committee to stay in touch with these participants, insuring that they complete their registration including any required forms (permissions slips/medical release) in a timely manner, have arranged transportation to/from the RYLA event and to invite them to visit a DWRC meeting after RYLA to share comments with the Club on their experience.
This committee must seek DWR Board approval of the funds needed to sponsor these students in the preceding Fall.
Current cost is $300.00 per participant.
DWRC has traditionally sponsored 2- 3 students each year.
This committee is in need of additional volunteers.
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