Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Committee Spotlight: Programs Committee

By Sunday, August 8, 2021
Programs Committee

According to Joe Patchen, Co-chair of the Programs Committee, since the onset of COVID last year, the Programs Committee has been more of a one man show than is optimal. In person committee meetings have not happened, and that has crimped things a bit. We (I) would greatly appreciate hot leads for program ideas and better yet, some volunteers to take on filling some of the Summer months. Remember, with the Brave New World of ZOOM, our speakers need not be in town or even on this side of the Globe. We all know far flung people all over this World who have interesting things to say to us. That can include journalists, newsmakers, sports figures, and authors we see or hear on radio/TV/podcasts. I have been delighted by the willingness of folks to talk with us via ZOOM, so please take a moment and let me know what you find!

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