Dublin-Worthington News Stories


By Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing

September 20th, 2021
Organized by the Powell Chamber of Commerce
Starts at 8am at Scioto Reserve

New Meeting Space
We will meet at Steve Payerle's office: 400 W Wilson Bridge Rd. Meetings will be held in the 1st floor conference room.

Jim Miller Update
Good news - Jim is out of surgery and has been recovering the last few days.  Anita says that he continues to make slow but steady progress and things are looking good, although they aren't sure when he'll get out of the hospital just yet.

Rotary Family Picnic
The Rotary Family Picnic is coming up on September 5 and we need your volunteer support to make it happen.  I'm asking all members to go to https://forms.gle/xEgsRfcn15Dzy9Tf7 and complete our very quick survey letting us know where you would like to volunteer and at what time.  Spouses, families, and friends are welcome to volunteer as well, just fill out a second form for them!
This is a great opportunty for members to get involved and support our community, and it can't happen without your volunteer efforts.  Thank you for your help!

Picture Day
The Communications Committee is happy to announce Club Picture Day! As we work to promote the club through social media, we are finding that many of the member photos on the club’s website are of poor quality (resolution) or simply outdated.  Our own Alan Zink is graciously donating his time and expertise to take member photos in the conference room immediately following our next lunch meeting on August 18th.  If you’d like to participate, simply show up to the meeting in your favorite shirt- the one that brings out the color of your eyes and makes you feel like a million bucks!  The goal is to take as many high-quality images as possible for use in our social media campaigns which in turn will help grow our club!
Thanks in advance for your participation and we’ll see you on the 18th.

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