Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Member Spotlight: Andrew Saneholtz

By Friday, August 20, 2021

Advancing the Leadership Mindset 
Finding Success in the Success of Others 

This is another in a series of member profiles based on discovery interview questions that were designed to get an up close view of the traits and strengths of some of the members who provide inspiration and leadership to this organization. 

Membership Spotlight: Andrew Saneholtz 
Career Focused, Caring, Problem-Solver 

Tell me about yourself.  Give me three facts that include information about your family, your career and your pastimes. 
I’m originally from Bowling Green, Ohio and went to BGSU where I earned a degree in Economics. Currently I work at the Wendy’s Quality and Supply Chain Co-Op. We manage inventory processes to support stores and suppliers.  I’ve lived in Columbus for 15 years. I have a seven year old son named Quinn.  I enjoy doing puzzles, playing basketball and cooking. 

How long have you belonged to Rotary?  What’s the best thing about membership? 

I’ve been part of Rotary since 2019, so two years. I know that I will be in this area for some time, so I wanted to meet more people in the community and get more involved. 
As you look back on your life and your career, where and when did you have the biggest impact on others?  Who was impacted and how? 

When I worked for Express, I was the manager of an entry level department. My department was a way to get into retail for people who didn’t have that education and/or corporate experience. I was able to help guide and support people in their careers. I think it was the biggest impact because I was able to help people get their foot in the door at the start of their career and it was fun to see them grow. 

As you look back, which of the opportunities you’ve had has been the most fulfilling to you personally?  Why? 

I’ve been lucky to learn how to use IT sources to improve processes and reporting which in turn has helped the company I worked for. For example, I was able to take information from two systems and create a daily report for users to have. Before that, they couldn’t generate a report in one system and the other system was a print-out that was done once a week. I enjoy helping people become more efficient and effective. 
Describe the most challenging project you’ve ever worked on.  What was your role?  What was the result? What did you learn? 
I helped startup a warehousing contract. We had to implement a system at a location that had no systems before and was highly unorganized. It was hard to come in as a stranger, gain trust, and train workers on a new system. I had people that had never used a keyboard before. I worked third shift as the IT admin and was basically the leader of the third shift as the manager for third shift was new with not a lot of experience. I loved it. I got to work with others, train them, and improve processes along the way.   
What are some things you are passionate about?  What really excites you? What gets your adrenalin flowing?  What makes your heart sing? 
I am most passionate about my son. He brings a smile to my face when I think about him. I perk up when someone asks about him and/or when I get to talk about him. He's a great kid and I love him so much. I try to be the best role model for him.?I am also passionate about helping people grow. I think I should have been a teacher. I really watching the wheels turn in people’s minds and see the light bulb go off once they understand something. 

What are you especially skilled at?  What is something that others often tell you that they think makes you stand out? 

I am a people person that cares about everyone. I thoroughly look thru processes, make sure everyone is heard, and come up with the best solution for everyone. 

When you have a moment to sit back and think (dream) about your future, what do you think about?  What things would you like to do in your life that you haven’t gotten around to yet?  Is there something else you would like to accomplish? 
I would like to run a company and/or get into politics. Something about helping people earn a living and being successful excites me. I created a non-profit last year to help support teachers get supplies. I’m learning the ends and outs of this now as we couldn’t do much due to COVID. I’m hoping that it grows and we can help students and teachers by making sure they have what they need to be successful. 
If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be? Why? 
My dad.  He passed away ten years ago but I’d like to share how things are going and I would value his advice.  Others I’d like to have lunch with include my grandparents, Abraham Lincoln, Johnny Carson, Robin Williams and George Washington. 

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