We have good news; we are moving to a Buffet type luncheon starting this Wednesday, July 21st, luncheon meeting. The menu includes: roast beef & cheddar on a wheat bun, tossed garden salad, with grilled chicken, fresh fruit, cookies and brownies. Since it is a buffet, we are not requiring you to preregister, instead you will simply state to the person covering registration whether you intend to eat lunch or not and you will be billed accordingly.
The formal part of the meeting will start at noon; however, you are encouraged to come early (i.e., 11:45 a.m.) to socialize, get your meal and be seated prior to the start of the meeting.
The speaker is our own, Alan Grossman, and his wife Heather.
He and Heather will be speaking about how their search and rescue dogs work, how they train them and how to respect dogs when seen in public. They will have some of their dogs with them for a demonstration.
By way of instruction:
Heather made a natural transition from training horses to training working dogs almost five years ago when they brought home their first Belgian Malinois, Melvin.
Together Heather and Alan now have three working dogs all of whom are certified in some aspect of search and rescue.
Heather is a member of Ohio Task Force One and both Alan and Heather are members of Midwest K9 here in Columbus and The Kentucky Search Dog Association.
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