Dublin-Worthington News Stories


By Sunday, July 11, 2021
Ad-hoc Rotary Golf Outing
Club members Steve Payerle, Dave Hansen, Rich Goldberg, and Wynn Wiksell met for a 1:12pm tee time on July 2nd at Wilson Road Golf Course for a quick 9-hole round of golf and fellowship.  It is reported that fun and laughs were had by all in attendance.  If you have interest in participating in ad-hoc Rotary golf outings, please email Dave Hansen and Steve Payerle and they’ll be sure you’re notified at the next opportunity.

The D-W Rotary Memorial Golf Outing
This has been rescheduled for Friday July 30th ad and will be held at Glen Ross Golf Club  
Cheshire Rd., Delaware, Ohio
Tee times starting at 12 noon
2021 Memorial Honoree is Bill Shantz
Call Mike if you have questions

The Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing
September 20th, 2021
Organized by the Powell Chamber of Commerce
Starts at 8am at Scioto Reserve

More details to come. 

The Rah-Rah was a complete success even with the trivia not working. It was fun and well attended. Stay tuned for information about the next event. There are currently talks of maybe a brewery. There will also be a District Picnic in October. 

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