Wolf Lant was a guest Rotarian and made the following announcements:
1. June 9th is the Global Peace Conference and also the District Celebration
2. June 29th is the installation of the new District Governor:
3. July 1st will be a celebration of the Rotary year
4. July 17th is a picnic for the Presidents and President elects with the District
5. September 11th will be the fall District Foundation training class.
Wolf then announced the following 125 Award winners:
Mark Beaver, Mary Greenlee, Alan Grossman, Bob Hanson, Steve Payerle, Ann Pechacek, Andrew Saneholtz, and William Vestey.
Congrats to all!
In conclusion, Wolf presented Steve Payerle with a new banner for the incoming Rotary year; "Serve to Change Lives".
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