This was the 35th meeting of the 46th year of the Dublin-Worthington Rotary Club.
"Happy Dollars"
1. Jerry Katz put in a happy $5. He and Marcy became great grandparents. Welcome Oliver Patrick Keegan. at 9.5lbs They are not sure if he is a red head yet but everyone is doing great. Congrats!
2. George Norris was shopping at Giant Eagle and ran into Tom Farwick who had open heart surgery 2 weeks ago. He says hello to everyone and is doing well.
3. Jim Miller is going to his grandson Austin's signing ceremony for the Ohio Wesleyan Swimming team in Dublin. Way to go, Austin!
4. Sue Norris will be visiting her daughter in CA. It has been 20 years since she has had an in person Mother's Day with one of her kids. Have a wonderful visit, Sue!
Mike Moulton informed us that we are scheduled for the Rotary Memorial Golf outing on May 28th. Tee times will start at noon. This club outing is held at Glenross Golf Club in Delaware County. Mike will post a sign up sheet soon. This is for up to 20 players. Come compete against John Jacob to win a big trophy 😉
Joe Patchen introduced Rick Banister who is the CEO/Founder of Neighborhood Bridges.
Neighborhood Bridges is a charitable organization that works to bridge communities with schools in providing basic needs, removing barriers, and seeking equity for students so they can engage and succeed in school and life.
Rick introduced Jill Kranstuber, Area Director of Dublin Bridges and Ray Lees, Area Director of Worthigton Bridges to speak on the impact to those communities.
Rick founded Neighborhood Bridges 4.5 years ago. The rise in poverty in suburban America in this century has been swift and dramatic. More Americans now live in poverty in suburban communites than in large urban centers. Their goal is simple: eliminate barriers to attend school; increase engagement; and provide hope, opportunity, inclusion, and equity.
In four years they have served 34 commutnities in Ohio Alabama, and Tennesee. They are adding Missouri soon. This is 2.2 million dollars of giving in 4 years that has impacted 148,000 families/students.
Let me just say WOW! Check out their website below.
OR enjoy a link to a recording of the meeting: