More food is available to families facing shortages in the Worthington and Dublin communities thanks to the efforts of Rotarians and area families and businesses.
The club held a community-wide drive to collect non-perishable food and personal-care items on Saturday, March 20. It was the club’s second drive in the past four months to support the work of the Worthington Resource Pantry and the Dublin Food Pantry.
Jerry Katz, who coordinated the club’s community service project, reported that a total of 2,037 pounds of food and personal items was collected worth approximately $3,300. The drive also collected $1,200 in donations for a total impact of $4,500.
Nearly a ton of food and personal-care items and approximately $1,000 were donated during the club’s November 21 drive.
“The success of these drives shows that club members and area families care about their neighbors,” Jerry said. “We know that helping others builds a stronger community.”
Service numbers at both pantries have skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic health crisis because so many people have lost their jobs and are struggling to support their families. “With the recent passage of federal legislation help is on the way, but food shortages still exist for many families in our area,” Jerry said.
Five collection sites were open from 9 a.m. to noon during the drive. Sixteen volunteers, including club members, family members and prospective members, took donations.
Worthington area team members were: Fresh Thyme Worthington– Darnell Perkins, captain, Sue Coady, George Norris and Joe Patchen; Highline Coffee Co.– Doug Southgate, captain, Courtney Chapman and Rachael Dorothy; The Hills Market– Roe Mauro, captain, Tim Moats and Andrew Saneholtz.
Dublin team members were: Oakland Nursery-Dublin Garden Center–Dave Jordan captain, Roger Johnson and Mike Yoxtheimer; Bridge Street Kroger Fresh Fare– Dave Hansen, captain, Jim Miller and Mike Saneholtz.
Club members providing special project support included: Harry Pukay-Martin, site location captain; Andrew Saneholtz, volunteer recruitment captain; John Butterfield, promotion captain; and Katie McCartney, social media. Club member Nick Linkenhoker, executive director of the Worthington Resource Pantry, coordinated activities with the Dublin Food Pantry. In addition, Christie Bruffy, owner of Highline Coffee, promoted the drive at her shop prior to the event and arranged for special parking areas.