Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Spring Rotary After Hours


Update:  We have 28 Participants signed up to attend physically and 1 virtually. 

Date:  March 24, 2021 from 4 to 6 PM
Where:  Pins Mechanical Co, 6558 Riverside Dr, Dublin, OH 43017
Food:  Cap City Apps Individually Packaged
Complementary "Duck Bowling" Provided by Dublin Worthington Rotary
Food Provided by Dublin Worthington Rotary
Drinks are Buy Your Own

Please feel free to "swing" by on the 24th if you didn't sign up.  Just understand if you didn't sign up by March 19th, food will not be available for you.


 Katie McCartney
 Christie Bruffy



For those who are not quite ready to venture out, we will also offer a Zoom option to participate at the event.  Please sign up here:  http://bit.ly/Mar2021_ZoomRAHRAH or contact one of the organizers above.

Note:  This is sponsored by Dublin Worthington Rotary Club.  Rotary at your Own Risk.  Please do you and what you feel is necessary to protect yourself and at your comfortability level currently.

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