Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Minutes of 2/24/2021 meeting of the Dublin Worthington Rotary Club

President Jim Miller called the 26th meeting of the 46th year to order at Noon. 22 people attended.
Tom Rice offered the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.
Vice-President Steve Payerle noted that there were no visitors or guests.
HAPPY Dollars:
Mary Greenlee noted that her grandson has obtained an International Race Car driver’s license and will be racing in England for the nest 5 year.
Jennifer Best was happy that Worthington Schools will open on March 22. 
Jim Miller got his COVID shot on Monday which was also his birthday.

 Jerry Katz announced that the next Food Drive in Worthington will be March 22 from 9 am to Noon at 5 locations. Members should watch for an email soon noting the locations and an opportunity to sign up for helping. Details for the Dublin one will also be available soon.

Rich Goldberg described a Paul Harris Community Award which the club is starting. Club members will be encouraged to nominate community members and the committee will select up to 3 winners. He also reminded us that the District Matching campaign ends on Sat. Feb 27. An email with details on participating was sent recently by Jim Miller. He noted that the “125 pin” is awarded each year for those who contribute $125. Finally he noted that a drawing will be held soon for winners in the 5X% groups.

Instead of an outside speaker, the program centered on chat rooms in which members could discuss Surviving and Thriving through COVID-19. Discussion leaders were Alan Grossman, Mary Greenlee, Paul Cynkar and Jennifer Best.
Members were assigned to one chat room to discuss the following questions on Surviving:
Where were you and how did you react when you heard the Governor was closing the schools?
When we began to deal with Covid, how long did you think it was going to last and what did you imagine we would have to do?
 What has been your biggest challenge at work and at home?
What are the emotions you have experienced?
 How has Covid changed your life?
 What are you doing differently?
Members were reassigned to a second chat room focused on Thriving and the questions were:
              Do you have a funny story, a joke, or a saying you would like to share about this past year?
              What helped you the most getting through 2020?
              Has service or acts of kindness to others helped you getting the through the Covid  crisis?
              What have you done or has someone else done to help you become resilient?
              Are there any new things you are doing because of Covid that you will continue to do?
              How have you and your family changed for the better since Covid began?
These questions could be used by you with others!
Summary – members were happy that we really were able to talk and suggested that we should do this more often. Also

Jim Miller lead members through the Four Way test.  The meeting ended at 1:10 PM.   

Meeting Minutes by:
Bonnie Beth Mitchell

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