Dublin-Worthington News Stories
Member Spotlight - Steve Payerle
By Paul J. CynkarFriday, February 12, 2021
Advancing the Leadership Mindset
Finding Success in the Success of Others
Paul Cynkar, December, 2020
This is the fifth in a series of member profiles based on discovery interview questions that were designed to help me fulfill the requirements of the Dublin Worthington Rotary Red Badge Program for new Rotarians and get an up close view of the traits and strengths of some of the members who provide leadership to this organization.Finding Success in the Success of Others
Paul Cynkar, December, 2020
Membership Spotlight: Steve Payerle
Tech Savvy, Balanced, Unselfish Aspirations
1. Tell us about yourself. Give us three facts that include information about your family, your career and your pastimes.
I was born in Akron (Goodyear Heights) then moved to Green (Summit County) before enrolling at The Ohio State University. I studied Management Information Systems and took a job at Price Waterhouse. After three years I decided to start my own business that provides IT support to small businesses. I live in Dublin with my wife of ten years and two children, an 18 month old and a 4 year old. No need to detail what my pastimes are given the two small kids.
2. How long have you belonged to Rotary? What’s the best thing about membership?
I started in Rotary in 2015 at the urging of Tim Shear, a business associate. It enabled me to extend myself to others and be helpful. It also checked my box for community engagement.
3. As you look back on your life and your career, where and when did you have the biggest impact on others? Who was impacted and how?
I’m not especially good at looking back as I prefer to look ahead. The Youth Exchange Host Weekend for 60-80 kids stands out in my mind as a really impactful experience.
4. As you look back, which of the opportunities you’ve had has been the most fulfilling to you personally? Why?
Being a dad has been very fulfilling! It fills an instinctual need. I love the work/family balance but it takes work to make it happen.
5. Describe the most challenging project you’ve ever worked on. What was your role? What was the result?
Graduating from school always presented a challenge for me. I’m not one for school or structured authority. That doesn’t engage me in the way I want. In business, I was given the opportunity to do a refresh of an organization’s entire tech system. 80 people in 20 locations. That took a lot of thought and skill!
6. What are some things you are passionate about? What really excites you? What gets your adrenalin flowing? What makes your heart sing?
I am passionate about technology in general. I get that feeling when I am involved in doing really good work. I like to help others. I am very passionate about my family!
7. What are you especially skilled at? What is something that others often tell you that they think makes you stand out?
People tell me that I am logical. I am able to analyze risk, think things through and make decisions. I feel these are my best leadership tools.
8. When you have a moment to sit back and think (dream) about your future, what do you think about?
Continuing along the same path I am on with a lot more of the same. I’m 34 years old and my business is successful. I started this fire now I want to stoke the fire. I want to be the best at what I do!
9. If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be? Why?
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. I’d want to choose between Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Tim Cook. Jobs would probably be at the top of that list.