Dublin-Worthington News Stories

January 27, 2021 Virtual Club Meeting

By Thursday, January 28, 2021
President Jim Miller opened the lunch meeting promptly at noon. This is the 22nd meeting of the 46th rotary year. Jerry Katz gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. President-Elect Steve Payerle introduced our visitor, Assistant Governor Wolf Lant, with the traditional “One-Clap” welcome.

He then called for any “Happy Dollar” announcements:
  • Charlie Vestey is happy that he has now had both of his knees replaced and will be able to get around much easier.
  • Peggy Murgatroyd was happy to announce that her granddaughter was sworn into the Ohio National Guard.
  • George Norris was happy that he is almost back to normal after his right knee replacement in December- 5 weeks ago.  This comes after a hip replacement in May and his left knee in September.
  • Wolf Lant was happy about an upcoming ski trip.
President Jim Miller then called for announcements:
  • Assistant Governor Wolf Lant indicated that January is Vocational Service Month. Discussions on vocational service can lead to projects that not only develop the ethical consciousness and vocational skills of Rotarians but also the talents within their communities. Participation in ways such as presentations, discussions, activities or volunteer opportunities are encouraged over the next month or 2 if we missed out in January. He then put out a call for a District Service Project.  If we have an upcoming project where extra manpower is needed, this is the perfect opportunity to obtain the assistance of our district’s membership.
  • The annual Four-Way Test Speech Contest will be held via Zoom on April 17th. Refer to the District’s website as details are still being finalized.
  • The Virtual Rotary District 6690 2019-2020 Awards will be held on Thursday, January 28 at 6:00 p.m. to celebrate our achievements. 
  • All updates to our club officers are due in DACdb by February 1, 2021.
  • President-Elect Steve Payerle announced that he is offering training via Zoom to committee chairs and board members on Wednesday, February 3 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. He will showcase the different tools and technologies that we have available to us to make our lives easier and allow more of us to be on the same page as to what's going on in the club. The focus will be on DACdb and Zoom. Meeting invites will be emailed to members.
President Jim Miller then asked member and Program Committee Co-chair, Joe Patchen, to introduce our speaker. Mark Grimsley is a Civil War historian and associate professor of history at The Ohio State University, having received both his B.A. and Ph.D. in history from OSU as well. He has authored many books (Gettysburg: A Battlefield Guide and The Collapse of the Confederacy) and articles, maintains a military history website http://warhistorian.org/ and is a contributor to http://smh-hq.org/smhblog/.
Our topic today was The Ghost of General Early: The Capitol Insurrection and Its Significance in American History. We learned about Virginia-born Jubal Anderson Early (1816-1894), a lawyer and member of the Wig Party, who joined the Confederate Army and went on to become a 3 star general in the American Civil War in 1864.  This was an election year- President Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election, and his chances were not looking good. Seven southern states had seceded from the Union upon his election for fear of losing their slavery-based way of life. They went on to form the Confederacy, later to be joined by four other states after the war began. The Confederate Army posed a real threat to the Capitol as they sought to defend their livelihood. After many successful battles that drove Union forces out of Virginia, General Early led an attack on Washington D.C. After 2 days of skirmishes with defenders there, Early withdrew to Virginia. He would have been very surprised by the recent events and the success of the protestors to actually enter the Capitol building and plant the Confederate flag. Dr.Grimsley ended by expressing a real concern over the fragility of our democracy today. We have a lot of work to do in the near future to repair the damage that has been done.

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President Jim Miller then closed the meeting at 12:54 p.m. by leading us through the Four-Way Test.

Next week’s speaker will be Gerhard Maroscher, author of the book Why Can’t Somebody Just Die Around Here? He will speak about how his family was impacted by WWII, fleeing for their lives, losing their homeland, almost starving, and miraculously escaping death many times. Their final journey was coming to America and living the American Dream. Join us on Wednesday, February 3 from 7:30-8:30 a.m.


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