Dublin-Worthington News Stories

January 14, 2021 Virtual Club Meeting

By Friday, January 15, 2021
Jim Miller, President, called the meeting to order at 7:35am. Shirley Lambert gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Payerle then stated that there were no visiting Rotarians and no guests other than the speaker.   
"Happy Dollar" announcements:
  1. Teresa Russell says that her daughter Nicole is a licensed driver as of December but they now have to struggle with four cars in the driveway. Although, the freedom is amazing!
  2. Shirley Lambert is leaving for Florida on Saturday. She is happy she can participate with Rotary and her church from there via Zoom. She also is happy that her church has gotten eight new members even though they have been closed since March due to Covid.
  3. Rachel Dorothy says that Alex got his Fire 1, Fire 2 card and is going back to Columbus State to get his Associates Degree in Firefighting.
  4. Katie McCartney has a happy dollar for her son. He is happy to be back at school in hybrid mode and seeing his friends again.
Club announcements:
  1. Katie McCartney announced that there will now be links for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in the newsletter so that people can follow us on social media.
  2. Katie also says to contact her if you would like your committee featured in the newsletter.
  3. Jim Miller announced that there would be a joint meeting with the Worthington AM Rotary regarding a joint Scholarship offered to Worthington Seniors. More information is to come.
  4. Steve Payerle will be reaching out to the Board Members/Committee Chairs this week to set up meetings to further train about the use of Dacdb, Zoom scheduling, coordinating meetings, etc. so we can be on the same page as a club to manage our committees and club.
  5. The Dublin AM Club is hosting the Polar Bear Open on February 6th and Teresa Russell is participating. You can too and Teresa says it should be fun ??
Joe Patchen introduced the speaker, Mary Angela Miller. Mary’s professional experience spans 30 years and includes past service as director of Food and Nutrition and healthcare administrator at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She founded KeepSafe Food so she can make food safety fun and easy to understand. She gives ways to “Protect your plate”. A recent national survey shows that when people consider selecting a restaurant, clean and sanitary now heads the list at 45%. Mary then talks more about the F.B.I., Foodborne Illness. Pre Covid lists that one in six people get an F.B.I. and that most F.B.I.s go unreported whether it was sickness and/or death. There are three assumptions for F.B.I.; particular food(s), your last meal, and being away from home (in reference to the meal). The actual three causes are chemical, physical, and bacterial. To prevent chemical causes always label your foods so there are no mix ups with chemicals. The physical cause is a foreign object in your food. Lastly is a biological cause meaning a bacteria, virus, or toxin. There are over 30 Pathogens that can cause symptoms. An F.B.I. related to a biological cause can take anywhere from one hour to twenty-eight days to show symptoms which proves that the assumption of it being your last meal can be so incorrect.
Mary wrapped up with talking about food safety kits and tips. The four main points are clean, separate, cook, and chill. Clean: Use hand sanitizer; Separate: use multiple chopping mats; Cook: don’t trust your instincts and use a thermometer. Foods need to be cooked between 140-180 degrees to kill bacteria; Chill: the danger zone is between 41-135 degrees. Chill doesn’t kill. You have two hours to use or chill food once it is in the danger zone.

Jim Miller lead members through the FOUR WAY TEST and concluded the meeting at 8:30am. Next week’s speaker is Gerhard Maroscher. He authored the book Why Can’t Somebody Just Die Around Here? A Story of War, Deprivation, Courage, Perseverance, and Triumph.


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