Dublin-Worthington News Stories

A letter from Pamela Skehan, Past DWRC Scholarship Winner

By Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Today I received a wonderful email from a past WKHS Interact member and former Rotary scholarship winner. Before I share her words; I wanted to offer some background for those of you who were not members of our Club at the time and didn't know this young woman.

In the Summer of 2004, Pamela Skehan (WKHS Class of 2005) traveled with a group from our Club's International Service Committee and four other student members from the WKHS Interact Club to the Dominican Republic. At that time Pam, like some of the other students had never traveled outside of the USA. Prior to this trip, Pam was an emerging leader who lacked some of the needed skill and confidence to serve in a leadership role and she was fearful of traveling. During the trip and afterwards I (as our Club's Interact advisor) mentored and watched Pam blossom and grow in many ways. You see, Pam was very artistic and she was asked to paint the mural on the exterior wall of the Barrio Lindo Medical Clinic when we where in the DR. While nervous to have been given this responsibility, Pam rose to the occasion and gained confidence in her abilities. She went on to serve as Interact Club President her senior year and
was selected to receive one of our Club's Scholarship awards. After earning her College degree, Pam traveled to Japan where she taught English and art for two years.


Dear Roe; 

I'm so glad you and your fam are well. I'm sure this year has been tough on the travel industry, but I'm very confident when things open up again people will be traveling to every corner of the globe! 

My husband and I live in his hometown of New Orleans. I'm teaching art and he owns and operates a tavern and oyster bar (come visit sometime!). Both are also difficult industries right now, but we're hanging in there and taking comfort in the light at the end of the tunnel.

My participation in Interact and my Rotary scholarship were both such important formative experiences. As a young person, I felt like international travel was out of reach for me. When Rotary banded together in support of our Dominican Republic trip and made it possible for me and several classmates to join, it was my first time out of the country and a truly life-changing experience that I speak about to this day. I credit that trip to my thirst for travel and seeing and understanding other cultures. Without it, I may not have had the courage to spend two years teaching in Japan and eventually move to New Orleans! It was very moving knowing that Rotary Club members looked out for me, supported me, and instilled strong core values. My Interact experiences pushed me in the direction of a career in public service. Today I find great satisfaction helping my students use their skills for the betterment of our community, and I'm working on opportunities to help students travel, especially knowing how impactful it was for me in high school.

I hope all is well with you and you have a very lovely holiday and a much improved 2021!


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