Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Member Spotlight - Shirley Lambert

By Friday, January 8, 2021
Advancing the Leadership Mindset
Finding Success in the Success of Others

This is the second in a series of member profiles based on discovery interview questions that were designed to help me fulfill the requirements of the Dublin Worthington Rotary Red Badge Program for new Rotarians and get an up close view of the traits and strengths of some of the members who provide leadership to this organization.
Membership Spotlight:  Shirley Lambert
Approachable, Genuine and Trustworthy!

1. Tell us about yourself.  Give us three facts that include information about your family, your career and your pastimes

I’m from New Lexington, a small rural town in Perry County.  I started as a teller and spent my career in bank management.  I’ve worked at State Savings, Guernsey Bank and retired from Park National Bank.  My husband is retired from Westinghouse.  My youngest daughter is a doctor in Hanover, New Hampshire.

2. How long have you belonged to Rotary?  What’s the best thing about membership? 

’ve been a member of Rotary for 18 years.  I joined because my brother was a Rotarian and because I felt the need to help students.  My favorite project is one I started, providing dictionaries to Perry County schools.

3. As you look back on your life and your career, where and when did you have the biggest impact on others?  Who was impacted and how?

I mentioned that I started my career as a bank teller and basically rose through the ranks.  I have always tried to be honest, kind and compassionate.  It is important for me to serve as a role model for others. I love when people say, “you’ve made my day!”  This attitude goes a long way in building trust.

4. As you look back, which of the opportunities you’ve had has been the most fulfilling to you personally?  Why?

While I was at Park National Bank I served as the business development manager. I made a lot of connections and I stay in touch with many of the people I met.  I am proud that I was named 2008 Rotarian of the Year.

5. Describe the most challenging project you’ve ever worked on.  What was your role?  What was the result?

I was part of the team that opened Park National Bank at the corner of High Street and East Wilson Bridge Rd. in Worthington.  While this was challenging, it was even more rewarding.

6. What are some things you are passionate about?  What really excites you? What gets your adrenalin flowing?  What makes your heart sing?

I’m a people person.  I like to be involved in a lot of different things.  My role is generally to keep everyone even keeled.

7. What are you especially skilled at?  What is something that others often tell you that they think makes you stand out?

People say I make them feel comfortable.  I think it’s because I am approachable and always willing to help.  It is important for me to build trust.

8. When you have a moment to sit back and think (dream) about your future, what do you think about?

Like a lot of us, staying healthy is important.  I try to “stay in the game.”  I also encourage my husband to keep healthy and to keep moving.

9. If you could choose anyone (alive or deceased) to have lunch with, who would it be? Why?

This is a good question which is highly personal to me.  I would most wish to have lunch with my oldest daughter who died of a brain aneurysm at age 21.

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