Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Holiday Plant Sale Reaches Goal

By Friday, December 11, 2020
More than half of the club, 47 members, supported the poinsettia fund-raising project, purchasing or selling a total of 534 plants. Surpassing the goal of 500 poinsettias, the sales generated $5,520 in revenue. Top salespersons were: Teresa Russell, 60; Dick Ollila, 56; Steve Payerle, 40; and Darnell Perkins, 34. Proceeds fund scholarships for seniors at Worthington and Dublin high schools.    
Nineteen club members donated 89 poinsettias for residents of area nursing homes. They are:  Pete Barnhart (6), Jennifer Best (2), Christie Bruffy (10), John Butterfield (3), Rachael Dorothy (2), Dave Hansen (4), Bob Hanson (10), Roe Mauro (4), Katie McCartney (6), Jim Miller (2), Sam Milliron (3), Bonnie Mitchell (1), Timothy Moats (2), Don Mottley (10), Dick Ollila (1), Steve Payerle (6), Ann Pechacek (2), Darnell Perkins (10), Doug Southgate (4), and Wynn Wiksell (1).

John Butterfield delivered plants to the following facilities: Bickford of Worthington, Brookdale Trillium, Claremont Retirement Village, Danbury of Columbus, Heartland of Dublin, Highbanks Care Center, The Laurels of Norwood, The Laurels of Worthington, Sunrise of Dublin, Wesley Glen Retirement Community, Willowbrook Christian Village and Worthington Christian Village.

Thanks to the following members for coordinating this year’s project: Christie Bruffy, Jim Miller, Mike Moulton, Dick Ollila and Steve Payerle.

Members, who assisted in the pick-up and unloading of plants are: Mark Beaver, Candy Brooks, Ken Carey, Brian Elder, Greg Giessler, Roger Johnson, Jerry Katz, Dave Kittredge, Roe Mauro, Katie McCartney, Jim Miller, Bonnie Beth Mitchell, Mike Moulton, Darnell Perkins, Steve Payerle and Al Woo.


Some of the members who volunteered to assist with poinsettia pickups on December 9, are from left, Jerry Katz, Bonnie Beth Mitchell, Darnel Perkins, Candy Brooks, Roe Mauro, Alan Zink, Greg Giessler and Mark Beaver. Christie Bruffy coordinated the volunteers’ schedule. 

Staff members at three senior living communities accept the poinsettias that club members donated for their residents. Approximately 90 plants were delivered to 12 area facilities.


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