Dublin-Worthington News Stories

December 9, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting

By Friday, December 11, 2020
President Jim Miller opened the morning meeting at 7:33. This is the 17th meeting of the 46th rotary year. Jerry Katz gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

President-Elect Steve Payerle welcomed visiting rotarian Wolf Lant, our district’s Assistant Governor. He also welcomed Debbie Kittredge, wife of member Dave Kittredge, and our co-presenter for today.

He then called for any “Happy Dollar” announcements:
  • Dave Hansen was happy that his grandson is now in Japan for a work-study internship where he can work on his Japanese language skills.
  • Don Mottley was happy that our food drive project to collect food, personal care items and money for the Dublin and Worthington pantries was very successful.
  • Connie Hendren “put in a dollar” for her appreciation of our speaker a few weeks ago who presented about dementia. Connie learned a lot and was sure to purchase some vitamin B-12, known to help slow the progression of dementia in women.
  • President Jim Miller then reminded us that poinsettia pick-up is scheduled for today from 10-5 and reviewed the protocol for safety.
He then called for any announcements:
  • Assistant Governor Wolf Lant informed us that December is Disease Prevention & Treatment month. We are all aware of Rotary’s work in Polio prevention, but lesser known is the fact that Rotary International has been called upon to help with distribution and dispensing of the Coronavirus vaccine worldwide! We’ll expect to hear more about this in the near future. He also announced another Master Class offered virtually by District 6690 on Dec.15th from 5:00pm-6:15pm. Onboarding and Orientation for New Members is open for registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUodO6upzIpG9bOzVxGTtf4SpGWfZWUG5e3
  • Lastly, Dec.16th is the last day to register with a discount for the Rotary international conference in Taipei June 12-16, 2021.
  • Don Mottley introduced Darnell Perkins to discuss the Community Service Committee’s project to deliver Christmas gifts to needy families.
  • Darnell explained that this project was started 25 years ago with Worthington Kilbourne High School. This year, volunteers will pick up gifts, contactlessly, at the high school this Saturday, the 12th, to deliver to the front doors of the recipient families. Volunteers are still needed. Please contact Darnell if you can help- 614-561-0108
  • Shirley Lambert announced that all of the auction items are at the auction house, ready to go. Thanks to all for your donations. More information will be announced next week.
  • President-Elect Steve Payerle announced that raffle ticket sales end on Dec.17th at 6:30pm. We currently have $1,410 in the pot! If you haven’t had the chance to purchase tickets, now is the time!
President Jim Miller then introduced member Dave Kittredge who briefly spoke of our Dominican Republic Youth Scholarship program which allows those students who can attend and complete a vocational program to do so by contributing the required $500 that most families are unable to afford. Our holiday raffle is one of the ways that we are able to support this program. Dave then introduced his wife and co-presenter, Debbie, as they discussed their boating journey around The Great Loop, a system of waterways in the eastern portion of the United States and parts of Canada encompassing 5,496 miles. This journey started in August of 2015 and concluded in the fall of 2017 (they took breaks throughout to visit the Dominican Republic as well as family). Their 226-day trip all started with a passion for restoring old boats. After the successful restoration of one boat, Dave bought a 50-year-old wooden boat in 2001 that was in pretty bad shape, with lots of rot. He spent over 10 years, with the help of a professional restorer, to complete the project that came to be called Winds of Change. (He and Debbie were getting ready to retire and wanted a change in their lives). It didn’t take much to convince Debbie to join him on the trip around the loop- they sold their house and took off. At that point, they had never been on the boat for more than 2 hours at a time, and here they were in a 300 square foot space to sleep and cook. Debbie was actually surprised by how much storage the boat afforded, and they agreed to eat most of their meals on shore. They really enjoyed meeting so many people at all the stops along the way who were always happy to share tips or lend a helping hand, asking for nothing in return. The trip allowed them to learn more about all of the towns and see the US in a new way. Other valuable skills learned along the way:
How to work as a team, how to navigate locks, and how to navigate the Canadian medical system! They have since sold the boat and purchased a larger one so that they can head back out to revisit the places that they most enjoyed. Thank you Dave & Debbie for sharing such an inspiring adventure!

President Jim Miller brought the meeting to a close at 8:30am with the reminder of our virtual holiday party, online auction & raffle on Dec.17th from 6:30-8:00pm. Details TBA. He then closed by leading us through the Four Way Test.


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