Dublin-Worthington News Stories

October 28, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting - Dave Thomas Foundation

By Thursday, October 29, 2020
President Jim Miller called the meeting to order at Noon. Wynn Wiksell offered the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance. Vice-President Steve Payerle asked Mark Beaver to introduce Andy Keeler from Dublin AM.

HAPPY Dollars:
  • Steve Payerle for celebrating his 9th wedding anniversary.
  • Andrew Sanholtz  recognized his son.
  • Jim Farmer announced the 1st birthday of his granddaughter.
  • Shirley Lambert for the college acceptance of her granddaughter where she will be on the crew team.
  • John Butterfield noted that 2 of our club members are running for the same political position in this year’s election.
  • Steve Payerle did a poll about our clubs participation in the drive for personal care items for the Worthington Food Pantry. 2020 items was the correct answer.
  • Jim Miller announced that the meeting for next week will have a different format – 4 of our committee will have chat rooms and members can attend 2 in order to learn more about the work of the committees. Steve Payerle noted that the board is working to vary the types of meetings.
  • Shirley Lambert noted that there will be an online auction to replace the one we usually do at the Holiday event. She encouraged members to be thinking of items they can donate. Paula Molton is also working with her.
Mark Beaver introduced the speaker, Rita Soronen, President and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and noted various awards that she has won. Screen sharing her presentation she noted that all children are our responsibility and the foundation was created in 1992 to increase the number of children in foster homes being adopted. They named National Adoption Day as the Saturday before Thanksgiving. They also created Wendy’s Wonderful Kids. They have created print and digital resources to increase awareness, create conversations and create friendly workplaces with adoption benefits by corporations. In the US 400,000 children are in foster care; 120,000 are waiting for adoption and 20,000 age out at 18 without being adopted. The impact: 1 in 5 end up homeless, 50% are employed by age 24, and only 4% earn a college degree. The impact of COVID has caused health risks, delayed or cancelled court hearings, and paused family and social worker visits.

A Harris report notes that 40% of Americans are touched by adoption, 25% are considering adoption and 64% think that society should be doing more. Focus populations for the Foundation are children over 9 when adoption likely decreases, sibling groups, children with special needs, children opposed to being adopted, children in foster care for too long, and children without adoptive resources. A child focused recruitment model has been created for social workers with 491 adoption recruiters in 12 states and provinces and almost 10,000 adoptions as of 2020. How can we help: consider an adoption, mentor a child who has been adopted, become a friendly adopted workplace, become a court appointed advocate, organize awareness services, learn about state and federal policy, donate, participate in Wendy’s campaigns, buy wristbands, follow social media, and join their mailing list. 
In conclusion – the goal is to find the right family to fit the child, NOT the right child to fit the family.

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After thanking the speaker, Jim Miller lead members through the Four Way test.  The meeting ended at 1:01 PM.   Members were encouraged to stay for some chatting and more questions for the speaker.

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