Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Dublin Worthington Rotary Club Foundation

By Monday, October 12, 2020
Fellow Rotarians,
Following up on President Jim Miller’s announcement on Monday, September 28th that club dues of $85 for this quarter will be waived, I am writing to request that you consider donating all or a portion of those dues to the Dublin-Worthington Rotary Foundation, which is a 501(c)(3) organization.
As is explained every December during a club meeting, the Foundation provides financial support to local households experiencing short-term emergencies. For example, 12 different families received a combined total of over $12,000 in 2018. In 2019, nearly $13,000 was disbursed to 14 households. Additionally, the Foundation has provided assistance since Covid-19 struck earlier this year.
  • The single mother of a school-aged daughter with special needs had fallen behind on her utility bills, primarily because of rising daycare expenses. The Foundation paid off those bills and provided the mother a gift card worth $100 at a local grocery store.
  • Another family received our help with unpaid utility bills several months after the school cafeteria where the wife worked ceased operating and laid off its employees.
  • A married couple with a pair of offspring enrolled in school asked the Foundation to cover one month’s rent after the husband was unemployed for several weeks beginning in March. Their request was approved.
  • Another couple with a school-aged child requested help because the wife’s recent treatment for cancer left them with approximately $10,000 in bills not covered by medical insurance. The Foundation helped them by making two monthly mortgage payments.
With no immediate end of the current pandemic in sight, the Foundation expects to receive many more requests for assistance. And since its financial resources are limited, contributions would be welcome, indeed. If you decide to donate all or a portion of your quarterly dues to the Foundation, please let Jennifer Best know soon, at jbest@columbus.rr.com.
Thanks for considering this request.
Tom Reis
Foundation President


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