Dublin-Worthington News Stories

September 23, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting

By Thursday, September 24, 2020
President Jim Miller called the meeting to order at Noon. 35 people were in attendance. Tom Reis offered the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance. Vice-President Steve Payerle noted that George Norris and Sue Cody had a guest, Cheryl, with them.

Happy Dollars:
  • Steve Payerle reported on club participation in the Bill Schantz golf outing.
  • Allan Grossman also thanked our members who participated and noted 100 participants.   
  • Jennifer Best announced the birth of her 1st grandchild – a girl who she is eager to see. 
  • Sue Cody reported that George is doing well following his knee surgery.
  • Steve Payerle did a poll about our clubs participation in Polio Plus and 42 % guessed correctly at $16,847.
  • Mark Beaver introduced Roe Mauro for a membership update which was a PowerPoint presentation of her early years in New York, wedding 42 years ago, her family, her career and how she got to Columbus and launched her travel business in 2002.
Jim Miller announced that there will NOT be a meeting next week. It is the 5th Wednesday and would normally be a Rah-Rah, but that is yet to be planned. He encouraged us to watch for upcoming details about such an event. Bill Hall will be the speaker for Oct 7th

Jim Miller introduced the speaker, Mark Mecum, CEO of the Ohio Children’s Alliance since 2011. The organization was founded in 1967 mostly by Children’s Homes but now has 81 community agencies. His topic was the Impact on Foster care since COVID.
How the system works: There are 17,000 kids in the system – lots of drug abuse issues and parent who don’t or can’t take care of them. He encouraged us to get involved with the kids through foster care, and kindercare, plus ideas to keep families strong. OCA also provides mental health care to 75,000 Ohioans. COVID has caused many addictive behaviors adding 4,000 kids.
The challenges are: 3,000 kids in foster care, mental health facilities or group homes – all congregate care facilities; foster parents who don’t want new kids, staff contracting the disease.
Conclusions – Telehealth and Zoom have become the best ways to help the kids, but there are not enough places for kids to get access. It is hard to engage the kids for more than 20 minutes. Kids in Dublin and Worthington need help. Support from the school systems has been underwhelming. He has been working with the Governor to get more information on a profile for people to be become foster care providers.
Finally, the agencies do accept gifts and Mark will get a list to Jim Miller. Churches could support foster families. 

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After thanking the speaker, Jim Miller lead members through the Four Way test. He also noted that more speakers are needed for November. The meeting ended at 12:55 PM.   Members were encouraged to stay for some chatting and more questions for the speaker.


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