Dublin-Worthington News Stories
September 16, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting
By Christie BruffyThursday, September 17, 2020
President Jim Miller opened the lunch meeting at 12:03 PM. Al Woo gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
President-Elect Steve Payerle then called for any “Happy Dollar” announcements:

President Jim Miller brought our meeting to a close at 12:57 PM with the recitation of the Four Way Test.
President-Elect Steve Payerle then called for any “Happy Dollar” announcements:
- President Jim Miller was happy that OSU will be playing football and “threw in” $2.00.
- Jerry Katz is happy that he and his wife are celebrating 58 years of marriage today.
- Roe Mauro was happy that the ladies of our rotary club will be meeting tonight at Cap City Diner in Dublin. Yes- in person!
- Wynn Wiksell was happy that member George Norris had a successful knee replacement yesterday and was recovering at home.
- John Butterfield was happy that his oldest grandson, a senior at Thomas Worthington High School, placed 1st and 3rd at his first 2 cross country meets. In addition, school superintendent and club member, Trent Bowers, recorded a video of his grandson at a meet to post on his Facebook page as well as sent him a handwritten letter of congratulations.
- Pete Barnhart was happy to announce that his granddaughter, a high school junior in Grove City, was awarded a full scholarship to Towson University in Maryland for volleyball.
- Mike Moulton was happy that he was able to replace a wireless router yesterday that he recently lost.
- Jerry Katz announced that the Community Service Committee will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday the 17th, at 3:30 PM via Zoom.
- President-Elect Steve Payerle reminded everyone that the Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing is coming up on Tuesday, September 22, at Safari Golf Course in Powell. A few members are looking for more participants to complete their team. Please contact Steve or Alan Grossman if you would like to play or get involved in other ways. For more info: https://www.powellchamber.com/events/details/the-bill-shantz-memorial-golf-outing-4841.
- Steve also announced that the board will be meeting tomorrow, September 17, and a major topic of discussion will be the viability of in-person meetings.
President Jim Miller brought our meeting to a close at 12:57 PM with the recitation of the Four Way Test.