Dublin-Worthington News Stories
September 9, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting
By Christie BruffyThursday, September 10, 2020
President Jim Miller opened the morning meeting at 7:33. This was the 7th meeting of the new Rotary year. Tom Rice gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
President-Elect Steve Payerle then introduced a few guests:
President Jim Miller then announced our speaker, District Governor Steve Heiser.
Steve is currently a commercial real estate agent with SVN Wilson Commercial. His wife, Karen, recently retired as Vice President of Education at Nationwide Children’s Hospital after 34 years. Steve became a rotarian 22 years ago when he joined the Rotary Club of Columbus. He has chaired several committees, attended 4 RI conventions, and traveled to Kenya to visit the orphanage/village that his club supports. He began serving on his club’s board in 2010 and became president in 2013. He began serving as Assistant Governor to 4 clubs in our district in 2016 where he worked to organize and promote district events for the 2017 and 2018 RI conventions. Steve spoke of his special relationship with our club as our former Assistant Governor. His message today was about creating “hope”.

President-Elect Steve Payerle then introduced a few guests:
- Wolf Lant- visiting rotarian and Assistant Governor
- Maryjane Shakelford- District Governor-Elect
- Steve Heiser- District Governor and today’s speaker
- District Governor Steve Heiser recently moved after living in his 2-story home for 41 years. Transitioning to a ranch just 1 mile north, he is thankful that the big move is over.
- Tim Shear also moved recently in Delaware Co. and is thankful to almost be done moving boxes.
- Assistant Governor Wolf Lant joked that he is happy not to be moving!
- President Jim Miller was happy to participate in a virtual run across the US recently through the ‘Great American 5000’. The event raised funds and awareness for Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.
- Alan Grossman gave an update on planning for the Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing to be held on Tuesday, September 22 at Safari Golf Course in Powell. Our club will be recognized as the meal sponsor following the event thanks to a $500 donation from a club member. A few members have signed up to sponsor a hole and lots of teams have already been formed. A few members are looking for more participants to complete their team. For more info: https://www.powellchamber.com/events/details/the-bill-shantz-memorial-golf-outing-4841
- District Governor Steve Heiser announced that this Saturday, September 12, is the district’s fall seminar. The free event will be held virtually from 9-11:30am featuring 8 reps from various service organizations. For more information please visit https://rotary6690.org/
- September 25-October 4 is Ohio Rotary Week of Service. There are 5 districts throughout the state, and this is our opportunity to show what rotary does for our communities and to promote our events. It’s a great way to measure and report our achievements as a group. Engage, engage, engage!
- October 10 is our Virtual Rotary Summit for zones 30 & 31 (we are zone 30). This free event from 8a-6p will be full of great training and learning. Register here: https://3031summit.vfairs.com/
- District Governor-Elect Maryjane Shackelford announced that September 21 is International Day of Peace. This would be a great tie-in with World Polio Day on October 24.
President Jim Miller then announced our speaker, District Governor Steve Heiser.
Steve is currently a commercial real estate agent with SVN Wilson Commercial. His wife, Karen, recently retired as Vice President of Education at Nationwide Children’s Hospital after 34 years. Steve became a rotarian 22 years ago when he joined the Rotary Club of Columbus. He has chaired several committees, attended 4 RI conventions, and traveled to Kenya to visit the orphanage/village that his club supports. He began serving on his club’s board in 2010 and became president in 2013. He began serving as Assistant Governor to 4 clubs in our district in 2016 where he worked to organize and promote district events for the 2017 and 2018 RI conventions. Steve spoke of his special relationship with our club as our former Assistant Governor. His message today was about creating “hope”.