The Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing will be held on Sept 22nd at the Safari Golf Course. This event was previously the Powell Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic. This year we changed the name to honor Bill Shantz a former Board member and business owner of Minute Man Press in Lewis Center. Bill passed away in June of Cancer, he was 44. He was the Vice President of the chamber in 2019.
We are looking for Sponsors to help with this event as we want to give a portion of the proceeds to the charity of choice of the Shantz family. They are looking into a Youth Cancer foundation as Bill loved working with youth.
A hole sponsor for this event it $100.00. This gives you a sign on the course. $200.00 you can have a table on the course and pass out information regarding your busines. We still have the light lunch on the turn sponsorship for $500.00 or the Beverage Cart for $750.00.
If you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call. If you would like to enroll a team, please go to our website, and register your team for $320.00.