Dublin-Worthington News Stories

August 26, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting - - Dane D’Alessandro, Senior VP of Organizational Change Mgmt

By Wednesday, August 26, 2020

President Jim Miller called the meeting to order at NOON. Katie McCartney offered the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance. Steve Payerle noted that there were no visitors; however Jim Miller proudly introduced his son who is today’s speaker, and his wife, Anita as guests. George Norris was happy to have Lou Gorey at today’s meeting.


  • Jerry Katz announced that his grandson has graduated and is working for Ag-Pro in Georgia.
  • Steve Payerle announced that Tara Burchett-Maxwell and Katie McCartney have joined the Communications  Committee.
  • Roe Mauro was happy to see Lou Gorey and that her granddaughter has started kindergarten.
  • Tom Rice announced that his youngest son has started college and his oldest son got a job in Columbus.
  • Nick Linkenhoker was happy to announce that Africa has just been named as polio free.
  • Connie Hendron was happy to make Steve Payerle happy.
  • Nick Linkenhoker announced that the Community Services Committee is now up & running with a meeting on Aug 27 at 3 pm with Don Mottley as Chair. They welcome others who are interested.
  • Courtney Chapman announced that the International Relation Committee will meet at 9 AM on Aug 27.
  • Allan Grossman announced that October 24th is World Polio Day and the committee is looking for ideas for how we should celebrate the day and that the committee is also looking for new members. Lastly he announced that Sept 22 is the date set for the Bill Shantz Golf Day being sponsored by the Dublin Chamber. 

Jim Miller introduced the speaker, Dr Dane D’Alessandro, Senior Vice- President of Organizational Change Management at the Center for Excellence at TD bank in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Dane has 20 years in financial services.

He walked through a presentation of his research on Evidence from Pre-financial Crisis in Mortgage Lending, the housing crisis from 2004 through 2008. He noted that managing risk is essential because of cyber threats, legislation, market shifts, a pandemic, etc. But we have to learn how to manage it. Organizations face scrutiny and penalty when risk is mismanaged, especially when it impacts others. He asked the question “What does it mean to know about risk? We learn through objective data, practice by talking to one another and through discourse. It is evaluated by defining exit clauses in strategic selling, managing risk as a conversation, and a contest of ideas vs risk matters, engaging influential stakeholders in meaningful conversation, and managing political influence.

Jim Miller lead members through the Four Way Test.  The meeting ended at 1:10 PM Then Jim encouraged  members to stay for some chatting.

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