Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Call to Serve-Your Community Needs You More Than Ever

By Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Board of Elections is inviting all Central Ohio corporate and community partners to become a Champion of Democracy by teaming up to communicate poll worker recruitment and essential voter education information. This historic election during a national pandemic, communicating vital election information using electronic, online, and non-traditional methods is essential to ensuring all Ohioans have the chance to vote in November.
The pandemic necessitates less face-to-face interaction and more electronic messaging to touch as many potential voters as possible. The greatest need is for poll workers. Franklin County has roughly 350 polling locations on Election Day, and that takes a workforce of nearly 5,000 poll workers to achieve a safe, secure, and successful election. They are taking every effort and precaution possible to ensure both poll workers, and voters, will be safe on Election Day. Masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer will be on hand, and they’ll be directing poll workers to set things up in a socially distant manner, as much as possible.
We are truly all in this together! If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Let us show others in our State and the world what the “Franklin County Way” is!

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