Dublin-Worthington News Stories

August 19, 2020 Virtual Club Meeting - Michelle Moskowitz Brown, Executive Director, Local Matters

By Thursday, August 20, 2020
President Jim Miller called the meeting to order at noon. Past President Al Woo and gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Payerle introduced Christy Gugle as a visitor. 

Following tradition, club members made “Happy Dollar” announcements:
  • Ann Pachacek announced that a nephew has just moved into his dorm at the University of     Oklahoma.
  • Joe Patchen was happy that his grandson will be able to play in the band at upcoming football games.
  • Kip Patterson was able to visit a homeless family
  • Kim Miller encouraged members to consider being a poll worker for the November election and to participate in a Forum on Racism in Cities sponsored by OSU and the Worthington Community Relations Committee. Information for both of these will be posted in this week’s newsletter.
Joe Patchen introduced our speaker, Michelle Moskowitz Brown, friend and Executive Director of LOCAL MATTERS, an organization focusing on food insecurity and healthy food. With 24 years in management, she has been at this job for 9 years. Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, she praises her single mother of 3 children as her inspiration.

She presented a slide show about Local Matters which was founded in 2008 around the goal that everybody has a right to healthful and affordable food. Food insecurity is worse now because of COVID-19 She described the following programs
Advocacy, Cooking Matters -a 6 week course, Food Matters--24 weeks for children, Growing Matters –15 community gardens,  Veggie Van – 5 locations to get groceries or a meal for 4 people at $10, Culinary Medicine with Children’s and Mt Carmel hospitals, Wellnes - Matters, Training and Satellite partners. 
Then she reviewed the Strategic goals for 2017-2020. Following questions, Michelle encouraged us to visit their website at www.Local-Matters.org to learn moore, contribute funds volunteer or order food. 

Jim Miller lead members through  the Four Way test.  

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