Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Program Focuses on the Suburbs’ Role in Perpetuating Metropolitan Inequity

By Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How do suburbs contribute to metropolitan inequality? Club members are invited to join other community members in exploring this issue at a special program, “The Making of Metropolitan Inequality: The Role of Suburbs in Perpetuating Metropolitan Inequality,” this Saturday, August 22. The event, presented by the Worthington Community Relations Commission, will take place via Zoom from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

The program explores the policies and processes that segregated our society through the lens of the creation of suburban spaces. Speaker Glennon Sweeney, senior research associate at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University, will focus on 20th-century development policies, how they were designed to segregate our society, and what policies and processes have been utilized to maintain that segregation over time.

Sweeney will focus on Worthington and the role that the suburb plays in metropolitan Columbus. Key topics that will be discussed include housing, development and education policies, neighborhood and school segregation, and the impacts of these policies and processes on our metropolitan opportunity landscape.

Registration is limited to 500 participants. Register today. If you have questions, contact Club member Nick Linkenhoker, who serves on the community relations commission.

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