Dublin-Worthington News Stories
August 12, Virtual Club Meeting - Al Woo, Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Assoc. Consultant, Retired Fire Chief
President Jim Miller welcomed everyone to the fourth meeting of the 46th Rotary year. Jerry Katz gave the invocation, followed by a unique twist on the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked to deliver the pledge alone, due in part to the challenge of a group recital with the inevitable delay from Zoom, but also so that we could simply listen to the words and think about what was being said. The modified cadence was beautiful. President-Elect Steve Payerle introduced our visitor, Assistant Governor Wolf Lant. The traditional “one clap” welcome was offered.
President-Elect Steve Payerle then called for any “Happy Dollar” announcements:
- Joe Patchen was happy that he and his family were able to celebrate his mother-in-law’s 90th birthday in person. She is a resident of Brookdale Trillium Crossing, where our club met every week pre-COVID. They were able to visit safely in a tent set up outdoors.
- Jim Miller is happy that he is able to continue with upcoming plans to meet his daughter and her family after her COVID test came back negative. She is from Pittsburgh and they plan to meet halfway.
- Courtney Chapman was happy to find 35 baby goldfish in the koi pond he established last year. Would anyone like some?!
- President Elect Steve Payerle is just “happy to be alive” in light of everything that’s going on in the world today.
President Jim Miller called for announcements:
- Alan Grossman again requested new ideas for the upcoming Polio Plus fundraiser. He also encouraged club members to get involved in the Bill Shantz Memorial Golf Outing on September 22, 2020, at Safari Golf Course. The event is presented by the Powell Area Chamber of Commerce and will be held from 9:00am-3:00pm. For more information please visit http://www.powellchamber.com
- Assistant Governor Wolf Lant announced many District events: The monthly “Presidents Elect Learning Plan” from 5:00pm-6:00pm tonight via Zoom. This is the second of ten monthly modules to help prepare Presidents Elect for their year as president. In lieu of a fall District meeting, there will be a fall seminar via Zoom on September 12, 2020 from 9:00am-11:30AM. Learn all about socially distanced service projects!
- September 21 is International Day of Peace, celebrated around the world. Clubs are encouraged to join in any way they can by doing something that is peacebuilding. The designation of “Peacebuilder Club” can be obtained by clubs worldwide- find more information here: https://www.rotarianactiongroupforpeace.org/how-to-become-an-active-peacebuilder-club/
- The week of September 25, 2020 through October 7, 2020 is the District Service Project. All clubs are encouraged to do something service-related that week to support the district.
- The Rotary Club of Dublin AM will hold an online auction August 12- 28, 2020 in lieu of their annual Pro-Am in conjunction with the Memorial Tournament. They will be auctioning many great packages as well as selling raffle tickets for 2 sets of Callaway Golf Clubs to support local charities. For more details and to purchase your tickets: http://www.tinyurl.com/dublinamauction
President Jim Miller then announced our speaker, honored member and past president, Al Woo. Al received an AAS/BS in Fire Science and Education from the University of Akron, a Masters in Administration from Central Michigan University, is a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Fire Executive Program, and the Ohio Fire Executive Program, of which he’s been a board member for over 18 years. He has 35 years of fire and paramedic service, 20 of which were as chief officer. He currently serves as Assessment Training Coordinator for the Ohio Fire Chiefs Association.
His career entailed a lot of travel around the state which enabled him to personally see the impact of COVID-19 and our preparedness for it.