Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Rotarian Named Small Business Person of Year

By Tuesday, August 11, 2020
A fellow Rotarian, Pete Macrae, has been named the Worthington Area Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Person of the Year.  Pete is a member of the Worthington AM Rotary and has been connected to our club through community service and youth projects.

Pete, wh is the founder of Macrae ARCHitecture, was recognized at a virtual chamber event on July 30. His business model is unique, developed 10 years ago during the Great Recession. He has established a full-service national architectural practice with no real office or employees, instead working with a group of 1o to 12 highly specialized architects and engineers who collaborate on projects at Pete’s direction. His selection as this year’s award recipient is particularly timely and fitting as the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has forced many businesses to consider alternative ways of doing business.

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