Each year our club, along with other Rotary clubs across the country, conducts the Four-Way Test Speech Contest for area high school students to foster these principles of ethics in everyday life as well as in business. There has never been a more urgent time or need for skilled speakers who can articulate ideas, especially showing how ethical behaviors contribute to a productive civil life.
The purpose of the speech is to resolve an ethical issue using the principles of the Four-Way Test. Each contestant chooses the topic of his/her speech with the subject being something from the speaker’s personal experience or general knowledge. Contestants identify a situation where they must decide to do or say something (or not do or say anything) and then use the Four-Way Test to develop their course of action, elaborating on each of the four questions as they relate to the situation. After applying the Four-Way Test, they develop their conclusions and explain the action they chose to take.
The impact of the Four-Way Test Speech contest is immeasurable for Rotary Clubs and the schools that the participants attend. Rotarians, family members and friends are influenced by the impact of these young fresh perceptions. Each student who competes in these contests spends much effort preparing and rehearsing their speeches.
To recognize the contestants’ quality of work and presentation skills, the club awards cash prizes for first, second and third places in the amounts of $250, $150 and $100, respectively. The first-place contestant represents our club in District 6690’s competition.
Three juniors from Dublin Scioto High School won top honors in the club’s Four- Way Test Speech Contest. Taking first place for her speech on domestic abuse was Melissa Ng, followed in second place by Brooke Adelman who spoke on happiness as a choice. Third place was awarded to Komal Khan whose topic was on Islamophobia. The judges were club members George Norris, Ann Pechacek and Doug Southgate. Greg Giessler coordinated the contest.
Want to be impressed? Read these speeches and learn how the finalists applied the principles of the Four-Way to their experiences.

Melissa Ng

Brooke Adelman

Komal Khan
There are many reasons Dublin Scioto High School has been participating in the Rotary Four-Way Test Speech Contest for
more than 10 years. Each year all of our AP Language and Composition students write a Rotary speech, and we choose from
among many who want to be considered to go on to the Dublin/ Worthington Rotary contest. This means that around 120 to 150 students per year participate in writing and delivering a Rotary Four-Way Speech on the classroom level each year!
My colleague Mary Eicher and I love this assignment because it gives our students the opportunity to explore their passions and concerns, to think critically about the world in which they live, and to search for solutions to societal issues. Traditionally, we have seen our students produce their best work on this writing assignment because they become so invested in their topics. Each year, we have several students who make personal break throughs in their writing quality and in pushing themselves to higher-level thinking. Students also take risks to stand up for their beliefs publicly and be vulnerable about their own experiences.
This year we had a student, Natalie Hutras, who took her passion for composting to the next level through her experience researching for the Rotary speech. She wanted to find out what our school district was currently doing with recycling and composting, and contacted our superintendent and then our Chief Operating Officer. As she communicated with them, she was encouraged to start a composting program here at Scioto. Her International BA Environmental Science teacher, Jackie Wilson, is supporting her in this effort, and Natalie has recruited many of her friends to work together with her on this project, building goodwill and better friendships! We love that the Rotary Four-Way Speech gives our students a way to explore and express the things they are passionate about.
Thanks again for the support your club has shown to our students!
Heather Sorensen
Language Arts Teacher
Dublin Scioto High School