Dublin-Worthington News Stories

Friday, November 20, 2020
By: John Butterfield
Judy Barnhart is recuperating at home after spending nearly three weeks in a Florida hospital and a rehabilitation facility, following kidney-stone surgery. Judy started experiencing sharp abdominal pain on October 28 and went to emergency room two days later. A CAT scan indicated three kidney stones and complications ensued following surgery. Judy spent eight days in the hospital and eight days as inpatient in rehabilitation with four physical therapy or occupational therapy sessions per day. She went home on November 12. Spouse Pete says Judy still faces more outpatient rehab and surgery follow-up in the next four weeks. She’s building stamina each day.

Cards may be sent to Judy at: 1355 S Portofino Drive, #301, Sarasota, Florida 34242. Email addresses are: Judy, judyb1776@gmail.com; Pete, pwcbbanana@gmail.com.


Former club member and charter member Bill Keaney passed away on November 15. He was 83 years old. He had not been a member for a number of years. Bill was one of 35 members who founded our club on September 9, 1974. At the time he was the president of an electrical equipment company.  He wife Sharon died in March.

Five charter members of our club are current members. They are:  Frank Dunbar, Lou Goorey, John Jacob, Sam Milliron, and Dick Ollila.


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